
Showing posts from April, 2017

21 life-saving facts that everyone should know

Chris Weller Apr. 8, 2017, 11:30 AM 68,794 Shutterstock Just about everyone knows that you should never text and drive, and that you should stop, drop, and roll if you catch on fire. But life can also throw situations at us that we don't have a quick, handy response for. Commenters in a recent Quora thread about life-saving facts offered their best tips, which are easy to remember and could have a huge effect if you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation. You might want to save these for later. View As: One Page Slides Your brain can't handle walking and usin

8 ways psychologists say successful people achieve their goals

Success doesn't happen by accident. A wealth of psychological research has found the people who achieve most in life take the same deliberate steps to make sure they reach their goals. Sometimes it means minimizing the value of will power; other times it means dusting yourself off after defeat. Here are some of the psychological strategies the most successful people adopt in their daily lives. They maintain a "growth mindset." Flickr/woodleywonderworks In the 1960s, psychologist Carol Dweck came up with the idea for two different kinds of mindsets. She called them "growth mindsets" and "fixed mindsets." Growth mindsets give people the ability to see themselves as capable of change — notably, growth — while fixed mindsets cause people to view themselves as fully realized, or unchanging. Having a growth mindset leads to far higher achievement than having a fixed one, Dweck's research has found.