
Showing posts from July, 2018

3 Lessons That Will Transform Your Leadership Philosophy

Leadership doesn't come easily to first-timers. I should know: I was one. When you think about leading a company, a lot of people tend to think about the glamorous parts of the job. They often imagine leaders shaking hands at fancy conference tables, giving passionate keynote speeches, and hanging out with the frontline employees (because they’re so down to earth). While victories and fun times can certainly be part of the deal, leadership also has another side — and that’s where the real leaders shine. Leaders are responsible for everything that happens under their watch, good and bad. That includes   the reputation of their brands , their office cultures, their turnover rates, and more. The best leaders take accountability as often as they can, while questionable leaders look for someone else to blame when things go wrong. As you guide your company through its ups and downs, remember these three truths about leadership: 1. You are responsible for the wel