
Showing posts from January, 2018

18 Easy Ways to Become a Happier Person in 2018

2018 is a new year and an opportunity for you to hit restart. Even though there is no fundamental difference between making a change on December 31st compared to January 1st, it can be helpful to use a specific moment (like a new year) to catalyze these transitions. That being said, a large percentage of people do not stick with their new year's resolutions. There are a variety of reasons for this, but, at the core, it is because they are not sustainable. Part of it is a matter of finding what you can get behind consistently. That means you can either think really hard about it, or you can try many different things and see what sticks. Here are 18 things you can do to be happier in 2018. Even adding a few to your life can have a drastic impact on a better new year. 1. Exercise more frequently. You hear it all of the time, but exercise makes you feel better . The release of endorphins and energy that come with working out are extremely valuable. In order for this