
Showing posts from November, 2016

100 Things to Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is a time for family, overeating and if we’re lucky, giving thanks. Need some ideas? Here are 100 things to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving! For Saturdays that feel like Sundays and the moment we realize we still have another day in the weekend For fireplaces For cheerful people who remind us that happiness is a choice and make us want to choose it For the slanting late afternoon sunlight For the moment when a cheap bottle of wine starts to taste decent and someone proclaims “it’s growing on me!” For the warm, indescribable things we feel when we go on the first hike in a long time and realize that nature is just ... For the books that remind us how much we love reading  For new beginnings forced upon us that we hate at first but learn were exactly what we needed For new beginnings we courageously choose for ourselves For the tears we never would have shed had we not been so lucky to have loved the thing we lost For the memory of how good we used to